Wednesday, August 8, 2012

her blessings

this blog is my collection of my mother's recipes, food that i grew up eating, the life we build around food which was made with love and care.

it never occured to me but today i asked my mother's permission if it was ok with her that i blog her recipes.

i have her blessings.

my mother is never the kind of person who dislike to share good things such as good recipes. she loves to share.

from our conversation, this is what i understand why she loves to share.

recipes are just guidelines. the outcome of the dish depends on the person who is cooking it - her cooking experience and skills, her expectations, and her tastebuds.

so, for 1 recipe with 10 cooks, you will still get 10 different tastes, some nearly the same, some not - all individually influenced by individuality.

therefore, by all means share! from a basic recipe, create your own taste and memories from the dish :)

selamat mencuba!

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