Thursday, September 11, 2008

Ayam Percik Kelantan (putih)

There are many kinds of ayam percik. Our family's favourite recipe is with the white gravy :o)

Here's a recipe for 1 whole chicken.

The gravy/Kuah
- Thick coconut milk from 1 shaved coconut / santan pekat dari sebiji kelapa
- 25 shallots / 25 biji bawang merah
- a slice of ginger (1/4 inch) / sehiris halia (1/4 inci)
- 3 to 4 slices of lemongrass / 3-4 hirisan serai
- salt / garam
- sugar / gula
- tamarind sauce / air asam jawa

1. Blend together shallots, ginger and lemongrass / kisarkan bawang merah, halia dan serai

2. In a pot, mix together the coconut milk and the blended items / masukkan ke dalam periuk, satukan santan dan bahan kisaran

3. Cook on medium flames and stir slowly continuosly to avoid lumps / masak atas api sederhana dan sentiasa kacau, jangan ditinggalkan lama untuk elak kisaran berketul

4. Add salt, sugar and tamarind taste bit by bit to balance it / masukkan garam, gula & air asam jawa sehingga secukup rasa

5. Stir until it thickens and cooked well / Kacau hingga kuah menjadi pekat & masak

6. Set aside and let it cool / Angkat dari dapur dan sejukkan kuah

The Chicken / Ayam
1. 1 whole chicken cut into 4 parts, washed thoroughly / Seekor ayam dikerat 4 bahagian dan dicuci bersih

2. make some slits on the chicken pieces / kelar sedikit isi ayam

3. pound 5-6 pips of garlic with 1.5inch ginger, add salt to taste / tumbuk lumat 5-6 biji bawang putih, 1.5 ini halia & garam secukupnya

4. prepare some light coconut milk (from the previous coconut shaves) / sediakan sedikit santan cair

5. marinade chicken pieces with the pounded garlic & ginger for an hour / perap ayam dengan bawang putih dan halia untuk sejam

6. after marinating for an hour, add the light coconut milk just semi-submerge all the pieces and bring it to a boil until the chicken's cooked / selepas perap untuk 1 jam, masukkan santan cair tapi jangan tenggelamkan ayam dan rebus hingga masak

7. once cooked, drained the chicken / setelah ayam masak, tos kering

Now the fun part!

Grilling / Bakar Ayam

1. get your griller hot / panaskan tempat pembakar

2. baste chicken pieces into the gravy and start grilling. repeat 2-3 times and grill to perfection / salut ayam dengan kuah dan bakar. ulang beberapa kali sehingga ayam & kuah sebati

Once done, sprinkle some left over gravy on top and serve / sebelum hidang, senduk kuah ke atas ayam

bon apetit!

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