Wednesday, March 12, 2008

BUTTER CHEESE CAKE (silver cloud)


250 gm butter
250 gm cream cheese (use KRAFT Philadelphia cream cheese)
240 gm castor sugar
5 eggs
250 gm self raising flour sift

1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon vanilla essence


Preheat oven to 170 º C. Line and grease 9 inch round cake tin. Beat butter, cream cheese and sugar until light and creamy. Add in eggs one at a time beating well after each addition. Add in vanilla essence. Fold in flour and baking powder. Pour mixture into tin. Bake for 1 hour or until cooked.

Potato croquette david rocco

Boiled n mashed potatoes
Salt & black pepper
Chopped parsley
1 egg
Grated parmesan

- mix all

make small pancakes n insert pieces of mozzarella cheese (rocco’s choice – op)
make into a ball or ‘tube’
roll in egg and breadcrumbs
fry it.

** advice: make sure the extra virgin olive oil is really hot so that the mixture don’t absorb the oil and the exterior is crispy

Kari ketam & nenas (mama)

3 ekor ketam, dicuci & dikerat 2
Segenggam besar bawang merah & seulas bawang putih, dikisar
Satu sudu besar cili boh @ cili kering dikisar
1 ½ @ 2 sudu besar serbuk kari ikan
Santan ½ kelapa. Diperah 2 kali dgn secawan air setiap kali. Jika hendak yg lemak, santan dari sebiji kelapa.
Nenas hampir masak dihiris jurai atau cube
Garam untuk secukup rasa
Minyak untuk menumis

1. Panaskan minyak
2. Tumis bahan2 kisaran hingga wangi & pecah minyak
3. Masukkan serbuk kari & tumis hingga pecah minyak
4. Masukkan santan, sentiasa kacau & pastikan bahan2 sebati dgn santan
5. Masukkan ketam
6. Masukkan nenas
7. Masukkan garam secukup rasa
8. Kacau perlahan supaya ketan tidak hancur

Buat siang hari utk makan malam, kemanisan air nenas akan meresap & menyedapkan kari.
Ikan Asam Pedas Tumis (Resipi Mama) – 2 orang makan

Bahan-bahan: sukatan ikut kuantiti ikan

Ikan tenggiri 2 kpg

Bawang merah kecil 10-12 biji
Bawang putih 1 ulas (besar) @ 2 ulas (kecil)
Halia sedikit
Lengkuas lebih dari halia
Lada hitam 10 biji (jika hendak pedas, tambah lagi)
Buah keras 3-4 biji
Lada kering 2 sudu besar (yg telah dikisar)
10 biji, direndam & dikisar
- jika hendak pedas, tambah lagi

Air (jgn cair sangat)
Asam keping 2-3 kpg @ asam jawa secukup rasa
Serai 2 btg diketuk
Daun kesum @ Bunga kantan
Kacang bende

1. Bahan-bahan B dikisar halus & ditumis hingga garing & harum
2. masukkan air dan asam keping
3. masukkan serai
4. garam secukup rasa
5. masukkan ikan
6. akhir sekali sayur2an – bende, terung & daun kesum

Sunday, March 9, 2008

crispy potatoes

Several days ago, I went out for lunch with a friend at a trendy restaurant. I just love the food there but this is not why I am writing this entry for.

I just want to save a lil recipe.

I had fish as the main dish & it was accompanied with cubed potatoes. What's interesting was the potatoes. Crispy. I think the chef boiled it first, then sprinkle some cornflour + salt + (maybe) tumeric powder for colour & then fry in hot oil. Hence crispy on the outside but melting in your mouth.

:o) :o) :o)