Monday, April 27, 2015

Banana cake from the net

Original recipe:

60gm margerine

60gm whole meal flour

60gm Brown sugar

1 egg

1 banana

1tsp bicarbonate soda

1 small loaf tin lined with paper or dusted with butter & flour

Adjust the recipe:

White self raising flour - no need for bicarbonate soda
Whole meal flour with bicarbonate soda

Brown sugar 40gm + 2 bananas

a carrot can be used instead of banana.

can use white sugar too but lesser amount.

Recipe uses margerine but I use butter.

60gm salted butter makes the cake taste salty ... Try 2 bananas with 50gm salted butter to compare taste with original recipe.

Sprinkle chopped almonds on top.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sambal erika

1 tomato besar
5 cilipadi merah
20 cilipadi hijau
2 cili merah
2 bwg merah
1 bwg putih

Rebus semua. Tos & blend. Goreng hingga pecah minyak. Garam & gula.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Gulai daging tumis kicap

Daging pejal/rump/bola - hiris tebal skit
Kayu manis
bunga lawang
Bawang merah 15-20 bwg merah
Bwg putih 1biji
Halia 1/2 inci
Sebuk jintan manis 3/4st
Serbuk jintan putih 3/4st
serbuk lada hitam skit
Chili boh 1sb @ more
bwg besar potong jurai
kentang direbus

Tumis sampai pecah minyak - bwg kisar, ciliboh, lada hitam, jintan manis & putih. 
Masuk kicap & daging biar sampai kering air daging/pecah minyak. Masuk air secukupnya, tambah kicap & sedikit tomato sos. Rebus sampai empuk. 
Masukkan garam secukup rasa, bwg besar & kentang.

Ikut citarasa nak kuah cair or pekat.